Monday, 30 April 2012

Hello everyone,

Liz Penny very kindly went to the federation AGM on behalf of Baildon Belles, fractured ankle and all. Here is her report:


·      A new award in commemoration of a founder member of West Yorkshire Federation who died – The Eileen Meedmore Award.
·      This year awarded as first prize in “Going for Gold” craft competition. Marjorie Walsham from East Keswick.
·      Queen’s Diamond Jubilee – WY Federation have no plans for the Jubilee but will send a message of congratulation to the Queen.
·      There have been four new WI groups this year. Three were suspended mainly due to age.
·      Membership continues to grow. One WI group has six members & one has 126 members.

·      Prison Group has made a difference to the women involved. The WI is listened to by Government. “Care Not Custody” – Government put money into this scheme which is for alternatives for prisoners who commit low level crime because of mental health problems.
·      Recently travelled to Germany to look at how they were tackling Renewable Energy. Has travelled to many counties to see how they are all dealing with Climate Change. Is to speak soon to the Institute of Architect’s about Climate Change. Talks to the House of Commons & the House of Lords about Legal Aid for sufferers of domestic violence (WI 1994 Mandate).
·      Plans for WI National Centenary in 3 years time include the following:- (a) amendments to the Constitution. Will be sent to all groups for comment soon. Have already been sent to all Federations. Changes are to more in line with urban groups. Age of joining to be reduced to 16. More flexibility with subscriptions such as Direct Debits (b) Choir Competition (c) “Inspiration” Rose. Can be bought in 2014 to be in bloom summer of 2015 (d) a stamp – looking at designs next year (e) A Garden Party at Buckingham Palace (f) “Tomorrow’s Heirlooms” – a craft competition. Has been launched. Different classes (g) Centenary Baton – to be passed from Federation to Federation. Starts in Anglesey. Ends at AGM. Memory stick in a jar – to be taken around each Federation and photos added.(h) A Women’s Attitude Study (i) WI Book (coffee table book) (j) A History of the WI (k) Gifts including a bone china item (l) ? Calendar (m) Exhibition (n) 2013 Sugar Craft Competition (o) A fruit cake to be produced commercially.

AFTERNOON SPEAKER – From the National Media Museum

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